Special thank you to GHOSTBUSTERS NORTHWEST for valuable insight and engineering elaboration.
The iconic GhostBuster Technology was invented by founding members Dr. Egon Spengler and Dr. Ray Stantz in the Fall of 1984. Combining cutting edge technology and fringe supernatural research, their efforts have unlocked new fields of ramifications in our evolving knowledge in the elusive realm of theoretical sciences.
The Proton Pack is a unlicensed nuclear accelerator powered by the radioactive isotope Carbon-14, which has a half-life of 5,730 years. These power cells are contained within the Cobalt-14 fuel rods, inside the booster core, that provide power to the accentuators, which regulate power to the Primary Power Distributor (PPD), which supplies the Ion Arm, Hydrogen Gas Actuator, and Cyclotron components of the pack. The Ion Arm acts as the Pack’s CPU, monitoring production of protons, and regulates the two 20-liter Hydrogen Gas containers, which feed into the pack’s generator, to be Ionized. This ionized gas is then sent to the Cyclotron, where its oscillator alternates the current between two electrodes, so that the negatively charged Hydrogen is attracted to the positive electrode, and then repelled by the negatively charged ones, causing the particles to spiral with escalating speed. This is seen by the Cyclotron lights, as electrons are being stripped in this rapidly escalating reaction. The Cyclotron then funnels the accelerated Protons to the emitter, also known as the Neutrona Wand.
The Neutrona Wand cannot fire a particle stream until three switches are activated on the Wand. The first switch turns on the Oscillator, but does not pull Protons from the Cyclotron. Two negative electromagnets within the Wand must be activated, by the second switch, which attract Protons from the Cyclotron into the Wand, but prevent them from discharging out the barrel. The third switch is a safety, preventing accidental discharge of the Proton Streams. Once all three switches are engaged in order, the Proton Stream from the Cyclotron can then be fired from the Wand by pressing the Intensify Trigger, which will then reverse the polarity of the two electromagnets within the Wand, which then causes a third positively charged magnet to activate, and allow the Proton stream to discharge out the barrel.
The Proton stream itself is not a single stream, but a combination of two-way energy exchange, which consists of Protons shooting out, and a counterflow of particles tracing along this stream in reverse. Due to the phenomenon known as Psychokinetic Energy (PKE), which is left behind by once living entities, PKE has the ability to negatively charge the particles around it, in order to cause localized manifestations of paranormal events. For example, Hydrogen Atoms consist of one proton and one electron. When this atom encounters PKE, ionization occurs, causing it to attract other ions, and bond with them. Depending on the rate of attraction, it can manifest as anything, such as simple mists, to full bodied apparitions.
When these manifestations interact with the physical world, they often cause a byproduct of negatively charged ionized particles known as Ectoplasm. These negatively charged manifestations are attracted to their positively charged opposites. When a positively charged proton encounters the bonded negatively charged ions of a Ghost, it attracts the balanced electron of the PKE, breaking down the Psychokinetic Energy. As this reaction happens, PKE manifestations will begin to lose their concentrations of negatively charged ions, and can eventually be ensnared with a Proton Stream, guided into a Ghost Trap, and contained.